Worship with Your Whole Life
Whether we are veteran believers, new believers, seekers, or scenic we are all wired for worship. And
whatever becomes the focal point of that worship shapes our lives. What we
pursue reveals our passions, defines our identity, determines our purpose in life and
mately decides our destiny.
Throughout our messages, studies, reading assignments and
times of
prayer this year you will be invited to look at your highest joys and your deepest sorrow
to discover what truly is your heart’s desire.
Though Christ should be the obvious focal point of our passion, what we truly worship
is best revealed by where we invest our time, where we spend our money and how we
use our talents. And
whether what occupies that place of priority in our lives is a
person, place, or things, we are compelled to
consider whether what we pursue with
all of our heart, mind soul and strength is
worthy of our worship