



    WOMEN:  FEB 21-23 | MEN FEB 28-MAR 02


    Few things in life are as important to us as freedom.  It's why we love the weekends, live for vacations, hate diets, and despise budgets. It may also explain how we respond to matters of faith. For some, pursuing a relationship with God implies constraints on our lives.  So, despite believing in Him and inviting His influence in our lives, we prefer to live on our own terms -even when we aren't always satisfied with the results.

    But what if we are wrong about God?   Instead of limiting your life, what if all He really desires to do is set us free from the things in life that keep us from experiencing deeper fulfillment, better relationships, and a greater sense of purpose? And what if He is extending that invitation to you right now? Would you seize the opportunity?  At New Life, we call this opportunity an Encounter.  

    We believe that only the God who designed us to treasure freedom can help us unlock its' fullest potential.  And He invites us to experience genuine freedom - one that transforms our hearts, renews our mind and genuinely sets us free. 


    Encounter Registration
